Carpet Problems And How You Can Repair Them

You love your carpet, and you want to keep it in great condition so it will last you for many years. On average, you can expect your carpet to last for up to5 years. How much foot traffic you have in your home and the quality of your carpet can affect the overall lifespan of your carpet, as can how well you take care of common carpet issues. Here are a few carpet problems you may encounter and how you can repair them so your carpet can last longer. [Read More]

Use Furniture Polish For More Than Just Wood

Cleaning your home is a task that you may not look forward to, and you probably don't relish the thought of buying a lot of cleaning supplies. However, if you have a can of furniture polish, you can clean items inside and outside the home in addition to your wooden tables, banisters, and furniture. So, get out your can of furniture polish and get to work cleaning these items. Mirrors [Read More]

5 Quick Tips For Dealing With A Pet Accident On Your Oriental Rug

If you decide to keep an Oriental rug in a room where your dogs or cats also roam, prepare for the inevitable accident. It only takes one illness or frightening thunder storm to create a puddle of urine that can damage your rug permanently. Proper emergency clean-up procedures will preserve the rug and protect its value. Grab A Wet Vacuum Start by removing any lingering moisture with a wet vacuum. Keep one on hand if you own indoor animals so you're always prepared. [Read More]

Fish Tank Cleaning: How To Remove Dirty Water From Your Carpet

Cleaning your aquarium is a tough job, especially if you spill dirty water on your carpet. Getting the soiled carpet clean isn't enough. You also need to sanitize it to prevent bacterial growth in the carpet's fibers. In addition, the dirty water can leave your home smelling like fish. Here are tips to remove the dirty water from your carpet without harming your fish. Secure the Fish Tank Before you use any cleaning supplies around your fish tank, secure it to protect your fish. [Read More]