Cleaning Tips To Make Your Home Look Like It Was Professionally Cleaned

Does your house feel like cluttered mess? Like no matter how much you clean your house, it still doesn't feel or even look clean? You can call in a professional cleaning service, but what if this just isn't in your budget right now? You can make your home look like it was professionally cleaned by following the tips below.  Make A List  At the beginning of each week, make a list of what you want to have cleaned for that week. [Read More]

What Causes Paint To Peel?

Painting your house is a huge job that takes a lot of work. However, sometimes after you paint you will notice that your paint is peeling causing your house to be the eyesore of the neighborhood and making all your hard work a waste of time. So what causes paint to peel? Moisture The leading cause of nearly all painting issues is usually moisture. You will want to make sure that the surface that you are painting is caulked and waterproofed properly to ensure your paint doesn't peel. [Read More]

Preparing Your Home For Holiday Guests

Getting your house ready for holiday guests can be a lot of work. Not only do you need to clean your entire house, you need to make sure you have plenty of food, toiletries, and sleeping space for your guests. Fortunately, the process doesn't have to be difficult. Check out these tips to help you prepare your home for holiday guests. Stock Up on Supplies Before your guests arrive, you need to make sure you have all of the supplies you need to make them feel relaxed and comfortable. [Read More]

Three Quick Tips For Cleaning Your Berber Carpet

Soft, plush berber carpet can look stunning in your home – as long as you keep it clean. Cleaning a berber carpet requires a little more caution and attention to detail than cleaning other carpets. Follow these quick tips to ensure that your cleaning routine is getting your berber carpet as clean as possible without causing any damage. Don't use a vacuum brush. Vacuum brushes are handy for other types of carpet, but they can rip up and fray the delicate loop-style fibers of a berber carpet. [Read More]