3 Tips For Keeping Your Oriental Rug Looking Great

Owning an Oriental rug can be intimidating. They're gorgeous pieces of art that rest on your floor, and as such, there are some things that you can do to help extend the life span of that art. Once you get comfortable with your rug, you won't feel nearly as intimidated by having it around. Rotate the Rug Regularly One of the things that your Oriental rug dealer probably told you was most important about caring for your new rug was to keep it away from sunlight. [Read More]

Four Ways To Reduce The Time It Takes To Clean Your Home

Cleaning your home can take hours. It's no wonder that a lot of people opt out of cleaning their home and let professional cleaners do it for them. Whether your trying to take care of some cleaning tasks on your own, or you are simply trying to keep your home looking nice between visits from the cleaners, the following tips can help.  Pay Attention to the Type of Soap You Use [Read More]

A Look At The Differences You Should Expect From A Green Cleaning Crew

When you run a busy operation, whether it is inside a factory or office, it is always a good idea to entrust the cleaning routine to a professionally contracted janitorial service. If you like to consider yourself an environmentally friendly business that gives a fair amount of attention to green concepts, you will definitely be interested to know more about green janitorial services. Unlike traditional cleaning crews, green janitorial services make sure to uphold the values of an environmentally-friendly company. [Read More]

Coffee Spilled On Your Carpet? Two Methods For Removing The Stain Without A Commercial Stain Remover

It's a good idea to keep carpet stain remover on hand just in case you need it. But what happens if you spill your coffee on your carpet, and you don't have a stain remover at home? Since you need to treat a stain quickly to keep it from becoming permanent, you're better off using items you have at home to remove the stain, rather than wasting time running to the store. [Read More]